Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleLearn from Sodom
Bible TextEzekiel 16:49-50
Synopsis I want to show you that the things happening in our nation have happened before and that the problems we face are spiritual. Listen.
Article Type Sermon Notes
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Length 53 min.

Title: Learn From Sodom

Text: Ezekiel 16: 49-50

Date: December 19, 2013

Place: SGBC, New Jersey


I intend to do something tonight that I normally do not do—make a few comments on a current event that has troubled me.


Yesterday, an article came up on the internet about Phil Robertson from the show Duck Dynasty.  The article caught my attention because, as most of you know, I know Phil.  I used to go to his house so he could tune my duck calls back when I was in college.  He always asked, “Did you come to talk ducks or the gospel?” We both realized rather quickly that we are not in agreement when it comes to the gospel.


Still, I consider him a friend so the article caught my attention.  During an interview with GQ Magazine, he spoke about homosexuality or as God calls it “sodomy”  He made some comments that I thought could have been said in a better way—things which were his opinion.  But what angered folks the most is that he paraphrased 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 and said that sodomy is sin.  One Headline read: Phil Robertson says Homosexuality is Sin. That is not what he said it is what God said.


I have believing friends—mothers and fathers who have sons or daughters who are homosexual.  They have asked me questions about their sons and daughters that I simply do not have the answers to.  I know all unrighteousness is sin.  The only way we can be saved from our sin is by the grace of God in Christ Jesus; the Holy Spirit has power to sanctify a sodomite out of darkness into his marvelous light the same as he does an idolater or an adulterer or a drunkard.  But my message is not so much about the particular sin of sodomy—it is something far worse than that! 


I told Melinda, Phil will be strung-up in the media by the end of the day. Sure enough late last night, early this morning, the backlash had begun.  His comments were called: “hateful” and “anti-gay.”  The union for Sodomites said his comments were "Unacceptable to fans, viewers, and networks alike.”  They also said his “lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe."  They are pressuring A & E to end the show and succeeded in pressuring them to suspend him from the show indefinitely. There are several aspects to this that trouble me.  I will try to bring them out in the message.


Proposition: I want to show you that the things happening in our nation have happened before and that the problems we face are spiritual.




Sodom was a city in Abraham’s day where his nephew Lot chose to live.  It was full of what men today call “trans-gender” and “homosexuality.”—what God calls sodomy.  The word “sodomy” comes from this city, Sodom.


But as God describes Sodom’s iniquity, the Lord is speaking to Jerusalem. He declares that these very sins of Sodom were worse in Jerusalem because they were guilty of doing these things in vain religion. (vv1-2; v48, 51-52; Isaiah 1: 1, 10-15) The problems we face in our nation began in the pulpit, in the hearts of religious men.




First, the iniquity of Sodom was, verse 49, “Pride,…” As far as we know pride was the first sin of all—the sin of the Devil who was cast out of heaven.

Isaiah 14: 13: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.


Pride is the governing sin of fallen nature.  It makes sinners hate the truth that “there is none good, no not one.”—none good but God!  Pride makes unregenerate sinners hate that natural man cannot understand the things of God for they are spiritually discerned.  It makes them hate that God alone must save. But pride is fueled by will-works religion.


Illustration: “Yes, we can!”


So the first iniquity that led to Sodom’s overthrow was pride.   They did not need God. But they were not nearly as proud as those in Jerusalem. So it is with our nation in our day. The pride of natural lewd sinners—in our day is great—it is true of all lewd sinners. But their pride is nothing compared to self-righteous religious sodomites.

The religion of our nation has turned into a religion of pride:


·         proud of our place and nation

·         proud of our type of government

·         proud of our will

·         proud of our decisions for little jesus

·         proud of our great church cathedrals

·         proud of our great works

·         proud of our policing of the world


The heart of the unregenerate proud nation is when you are as good as we are at everything who needs God?  Take his name out of everything useful but use his name in vain every other breath. That is our pride!


Fullness of Bread


The second aspect of Sodom’s iniquity was, verse 49, “Fulness of bread.”  The land of Sodom was fruitful. Bread stands for all sorts of food.  They had plenty of everything they wanted. Listen to the description:


Genesis 13:10: And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar.


Jerusalem had even more bread than Sodom—they had much spiritual light given by God. They had the oracles of God. God sent them prophets, gave them his law, gave them a mercy seat and made his presence known unto them. But all this fullness of good things apart from the Spirit of God to humble a sinner only serves to increase the pride of heart.


When has our nation ever had to have disaster relief sent to us from other nations?  We have fullness of bread.  We have the most religions in this nation of any other nation. Yet, we are the most ungodly of any other nation.


Abundance of Idleness


The third aspect of Sodom’s iniquity, verse 49, was “abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters.”  Sodom and all her sister cities had “peace of rest.”   They did not have to labor or war.  They just enjoyed prosperity and ease, security and quietness, one generation after the next.  It produced sloth and idleness—laziness.  They had time for sin and for wickedness


Jerusalem was even worse in their religion.  Earlier in the chapter the LORD speaks of how he adorned Jerusalem. (vv10-14)—this was all a picture of the privileges of the scripture and the prophets and the worship God gave to Judah.  Instead of using those things to worship God, in their prosperity and idleness, they invented new worship, they worshipped the things to be used in worship rather than God—(Vv15-27)


Our nation has been so prosperous. God has given us such freedoms to worship him.  Yet, in our idleness we’ve grown lazy.  Instead of using the church building to worship God men worship the buildings; instead of using the preaching of the gospel to preach Christ men preach man; instead of using the scriptures to seek Christ men seek life because they read the scriptures or seek life at their own hand; instead of making disciples for Christ men worship their ability to make disciples; vain religion worships the things in religion instead of using the things to worship Christ alone.


Poor and Needy


The next aspect of Sodom’s iniquity was, verse 49, “neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”  Sodom had abundance and time to help their poor and needy but either she was too proud and too idle to do so or she oppressed the poor and needy rather than strengthened them.  That is what it sounds like here.  Some in Sodom had fullness of bread and abundance of idleness while others were poor and needy.


There is a difference in strengthening the hand and giving into the hand. To strengthen the hand is to help the poor get a good job, get ability to provide for themselves and for others.  But giving into the hand makes men dependent upon a hand-out. It works oppression rather than strength.  It provides a lower class of cheap labor for those with the abundance.  Welfare is a profitable business for the oppressor!


Jerusalem did this in religion far worse than Sodom.  The apostle Peter said that false prophets make merchandise of men.  Spiritually, the poor and needy are sinners bankrupt of all righteousness in need of Christ. The gospel of Christ and him crucified is the message through which Christ gives poor, elect sinners the unsearchable riches of Christ and robes us in Christ’s righteousness by his mighty irresistible grace!


But where sinners are not told of their absolute ruin in sin—not taught that in Christ alone is God is Just and the Justifier then the poor and needy are not clothed, not fed, not enriched, not strengthened by his grace. Even worse, they are oppressed to bring forth righteousness and holiness that they are too bankrupt to produce. Vain religion gives a reward then lashes with the oppressive whip but never strengthens the hand with grace.  Spiritual welfare is a profitable business for the oppressor as well.


Brethren, here we are this proud nation, full of bread, with abundance of idleness, yet still full of poor and needy.  And just look at what is supposed to be Christianity in this nation: its full of men proud of their works, rich and increased and in need of nothing, yet full of oppressed, poor and needy sinners.  Sodom and Jerusalem sounds like a description of our nation and free will, works religion in our nation. 


Haughty and Committed Abomination


The last two aspects of Sodom’s iniquity go together, verse 50, “And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me.” “Haughty” means they lifted themselves above God and men. “Committed abomination” means they committed sodomy.


Two angels came from God to Sodom, which were disguised as men. Lot entreated these men to come to his house to protect them from the men of Sodom.


Genesis 19:4: But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: 5: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

These were sodomites. They openly, unashamedly said they wanted to commit sodomy with the two men.  As our text says, they committed abomination. Our text also says they were haughty. It means they exalted themselves over God, over his word, over his witnesses. Lot, being a believer, a righteous man, commanded the sodomites to repent from their wickedness.  Do you think they bowed to the word of the Lord?


Genesis 19: 9: And they said [to Lot], Stand back. [Now, see if this sounds familiar.] And they said again [speaking about Lot], This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.


Here was all the people, all the men of Sodom. And here was Lot speaking that which was right according to God’s word. The sodomites answered, “How dare you judge us!”


The thing that troubled me most about this thing with Robertson is that the law of this land, and public opinion, is regarded as right by men, while God and his word is held in utter contempt.  I read in several comments—“How dare this man judge us!”  God says in our text, “they were haughty, and committed abomination before me.”


Understand this, especially our young people, though an earthly government passes a law and makes something lawful it does not mean it is lawful before God.  Our society has made same-sex marriage lawful. Now, we are seeing it everywhere.  When sin becomes accepted in a society, and the more you see it, the more men think it is not sinful.  But just because men say something is lawful does not mean it is so with God!  Never forget that! God says in our text, “they were haughty, and committed abomination BEFORE ME!”


So this was Sodom’s iniquity and it is ours in this nation.  Ezekiel 16: 49: Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50: And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.


God reigned down judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them all in one night.  He shall do that again but this time he will do it with the whole world. This sin problem is not just in our nation—it is in the whole world.




Such Were Some of You


Each of God’s elect have been washed in the blood of Christ at Calvary and each shall be washed in regeneration and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.  This is the scripture that was paraphrased by Phil Robertson which says sodomy is sin.


1 Corinthians 6: 9: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?


The word here means those who deal unjustly toward others shall not inherit the kingdom of God.


1 Corinthians 6: 9: Be not deceived:


Let no one tell you that inward character and conduct is irrelevant. 


 1 Corinthians 6: 9:…neither…


·         V9: fornicators—uncleanness out of marriage

·         V9: nor idolaters,--worshippers of the god of man’s imagination, man’s will and works, “this is what I think!”, anything put before God is idolatry.

·         V9: nor adulterers,--uncleanness with another’s spouse

·         V9: nor effeminate,--soft, of no certain gender, today called “trans-gender.”

·         V9: nor abusers of themselves with mankind,--sodomites—today called “gay and lesbian”, “homosexuals.”

·         V10: Nor thieves,  

·         V10: nor covetous,--heart set on material gain]

·         V10: nor drunkards,--alcohol or drugs, prescription or otherwise—drunkenness is what is forbidden

·         V10: nor revilers,--those who run-down other men’s characters, who speak reproachfully of other men, openly or secretly, by speaking behind someone’s back, by making up false reports or by spreading reports in a public manner at the hurt of others

·         V10: nor extortioners,--those who forcefully and unlawfully rob others


1 Corinthians 6: 9: Do not be deceived—none of these--shall inherit the kingdom of God….11: And such were some of you…Yet, these are all sins that God has power to justify and sanctify his elect from. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.


I know this, by the word of God, there is not one child of Adam who is not born dead in trespasses and in sins.


Illustration: I keep hearing sodomites say, “I was born this way.” All men are certainly born depraved!


Romans 3:23: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;


Romans 5:12: Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:


But sinners willfully sin because sin is what the natural born heart is.   That is not what they mean when they say I was born this way.  They want an excuse.  God gives none to any sinner!  Our inability does not lessen the fact that sinners are guilty and responsible to repent from our sins and believe on Christ.


It takes the blood of Christ Jesus to wash all God’s elect from our sins and to justify us from all our sins. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify us from the darkness of our depravity into his marvelous light.  When he does our profession is not in doctrine only, not in attending worship services only, then our service and devotion to God becomes our very character, our way of life.


And Christ our Head has the power to do so for each and everyone of his lost sheep.  He shall find us, he shall wash us and sanctify each one through the word of his gospel, he shall turn us from our sins to him and he shall keep us.


It is troubling how little I have heard in the media about this being a violation of freedom of speech, and most importantly, freedom of religion.  But no worries, brethren! Christ shall keep each one that is his and lose none! Of Lot it says, “the LORD being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city.” (Gen 19: 16)


2 Peter 2: 9: The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.




If we could look into history for a sure example and know for certain our future then we would be wise to do so. Here it is.


2 Peter 2: 6: [God] turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly.


Now, hearing this word of God, sinner, what would you be wise to do?  Here is what the LORD told those in Judah and Jerusalem who he addressed as Sodom and Gomorrah.


Isaiah 1: 18: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land 20: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

