Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWeekly Bulletin 5-27-2012
Bible TextLuke 14:15-27
Series Parables
Article Type Bulletin
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc
Audio HI-FI Listen: Come, All is Ready (32 kbps)  /  [go to notes]
Audio CD Quality Listen: Come, All is Ready (128 kbps)  /  [go to notes]

May 27, 2012





Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd Floor

150 Washington Street

Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553

Telephone: 615-513-4464


Schedule of Services

Sunday 10: 15 AM Bible Class

Sunday 11 AM Morning Service

Thursday 7: 30 PM Midweek Service



Luke 14: 15-27


It is the supper-time of the world.  The Lord Jesus is seated at supper in the house of one of the chief Pharisees.  But though Christ came to the Pharisee’s supper the Pharisee refused to come to Christ’s.  When someone at the supper said, “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God” the Lord said this parable unto him.


A Certain Man Made a Great Supper


God the Father by his Son Christ Jesus has made a great supper in the evening-end of this world by putting away sin by the sacrifice of himself (Luke 14: 16-17; Is 25: 6; He 9: 26.)  Christ the Master of the house has ascended. He has sent the Holy Spirit, along with his servant who preaches the good news, together with his bride (all are one servant reconciled in Christ) saying “Come, for all things are now ready.” (Rev 22: 16-17)  This is the good news of the gospel we preach—all things are now ready.  Through faith in Christ we feast wearing the garment of Christ’s Righteousness, upon the Bread of Life, drinking the Wine of his sin-cleansing Blood, delighting in the song of free justification and full forgiveness of sins. But remember, sinner, this is not a restaurant or a pot-luck!  You must not attempt to earn your way in and must not bring anything you have made!  Don’t even bring a packet of salt! There remains absolutely nothing for the sinner to do. All things are ready. Come and you will find it so.


Excuses for Rebellion


With the same mind, all those bidden to his supper, made the same lame excuse. (Luke 14: 18-20) The unregenerate man covets his cursed ground of flesh. He thinks he can produce life from it so he does not need Christ only his ground; he thinks he only needs a little help from oxen and he can grow his own livelihood, so he does not need Christ; he is married to the flesh and will not come to Christ (1 Jo 2:16.)


Believer, having possessions, a business, or loved ones is not the evil. The evil is when those things come between us and Christ and his gospel (Luke 14: 25-27.) Our possessions may be a blessing from God but it is a poor way to return thanks by spending our time with our possessions rather than worshipping Christ with his saints. That love of our life may be a gift from God but it is a poor way to thank him by letting them come between us and his Son and his gospel.  


Still, even now, during every trial and temptation Christ still bids us come—for all things are now ready. We use excuses, “I feel too sinful to go to the Lord about this.” What better time to ask God to give us grace!  “I’ve been lifted up in pride, I’m cast down in sorrow; I can’t come hear the gospel today.” What better time to come! “My understanding is feeble. So much competes for my time. I can’t read the word for myself through the week.”  No better reason to read it!


God does not bid us come to Christ because we are full; he bids us come because in ourselves we are empty, hungry, thirsty, needing to be fed and taught of God. God does not say make yourself ready and come—he says “He has made all things ready—now come!” (He 4: 15-16.)


The Masters Response, Command and Promise


First, notice the Master was angered by those who would not come (Luke 14: 21.)  Let’s say you invited many guests to your table.  You spared no expense, did the work, all is ready.  Yet, at your call one-by-one they begin to make lame excuses and will not come.  How will that make you feel?  God spared no expense—he spared not his only begotten Son.  It is impossible to trample underfoot the blood of Christ without angering God. (Pro 1: 23-33; 29: 1; He 10: 24-31) 


Secondly, notice the Master’s command to his servant, “Go out quickly.” (Luke 14: 21) God is no beggar! The Spirit of God is calling the redeemed of God internally, effectually right on time. We must not tarry but be about our Father’s business while it is still the day of grace.  God will have no self-righteous, self-boasting holy men at his table—we wouldn’t be able to get the food up to them in their little highchair if they did come.  God despises such.  Instead, God calls dirty alleyway sinners, filthy highway tramps and hedgerow bums. Are you so poor you have no way to pay the debt you owe to God’s justice?  (Is 55: 1)  Are you so maimed, halt, and blind that in your flesh dwells no good thing? The Master says, “Come.” Christ will be your Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption from all who oppress you.  Our God has a big table!  Sinner, there is still room. (Luke 14: 22) Many have been chosen and called and have come but there are still some seats vacant.  Only the Spirit of God makes the call effectual, but by our Master’s orders, we compel you to come (Luke 14: 23; 2 Co 5: 11; 20; 6:1.)  Only when the last seat is filled will the Father’s will be done and Christ’s body complete. (Jo 6: 37-40)


Thirdly, notice the Master’s promise. All who come will find rest to their souls (Mt 11:28-30.)  Every place setting at his table of grace has a name written on it before the foundation of the world.  Christ has written those names in the indelible ink of his blood.  The Holy Spirit will have no empty spaces at his table.  Sinner, when God calls he is not mocking.  If you come you will find a place already prepared for you before the world was made.  And just as true, if you do not come it will solely be your own fault. You were bidden but you made excuses.  Still, you will not have altered God’s eternal purpose at all (Ro 3: 3-4.)  Be warned, the Master promises that none of those who refuse his call shall taste of his supper. (Luke 14: 24)  


Sinner, submit to God and believe Christ. You will find it as it was told you and you will feast like a king.  Believer, continue to come to Christ feeding upon him through his gospel. Use every gift he has given to lead our loved ones to him through the hearing of his gospel not away from him through the lust of our flesh.  At the appointed hour, he will say “Leave your body of death, leave your possessions, your business, even your dearest loved ones. Come, for all things are now ready!” In that eternal day we will sit as his table and when we see God our Savior we will say, “Thank you, Lord, for saving me and not letting any come between me and one so wonderful!” (Luke 12: 37.)